Arora, who is in the US, shared a video partaking in the dance, wearing a yellow dress and beige high heels as she told the American television have the best way to get down.

KBC columnist Shiksha Arora paralyzed netizens in the wake of showing American television have Scratch Kosir the viral Anguka Nayo moves The moving anchor and the meteorologist illuminated the roads of New York as they got down with advertised moves that awed Kenyans Many appreciated how the mzungu anchor figured out how to get the styles quicker contrasted with numerous Kenyan famous peopleIn the video, Kosir, wearing a naval force blue suit, a light blue shirt, and earthy colored shoes, should be visible attempting to do the ‘Gotha’ sideways style. Sooner or later, the two of them went down and stood up and went down again while shaking their heads and hands.

Toward the finish of the video, Kosir drops himself and raises his legs as Arora chuckles at their silly dance challenge. While subtitling the video on TikTok, she said: “Anguka Nayo to the world. I met the moving meteorologist in New York. I caused him to do this dance in a genuine Kenyan way. The collabo you never realized you wanted.”

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